Jared Wilson is the pastor of Middletown Springs Community Church in Vermont and he blogs at Gospel Driven Church. He's also the author of The Pastor’s Justification, Your Jesus is Too Safe, Gospel Wakefulness, and Gospel Deeps. You can also follow him on Twitter: @JaredCWilson
Recently, he took a few minutes to talk to me and had some interesting things to say. We hope you enjoy...
Chad: In your spiritual journey have you ever struggled with the idea of God's grace?
Recently, he took a few minutes to talk to me and had some interesting things to say. We hope you enjoy...
Chad: In your spiritual journey have you ever struggled with the idea of God's grace?
Jared: I
don't think I've ever struggled with the idea itself. The grace of God is such a
compelling idea, mainly because it is so unique. Only Christianity talks about
grace in this way, and I think I've always found that, oddly enough, a great
part of what it makes it so credible to me. But I have definitely struggled with
the idea of God's grace being *for me.* I have wrestled with feeling that God
could love me, that God would accept me and approve of me. It has taken a lot of
convincing on my part to get through that, but God is the great convincer, and
I'm grateful that I don't struggle nearly as much today with believing that God
loves me and has saved me.
Chad: In your book, "Wonder-Working God" you talk about the miracles of Jesus revealing "what we go through such great pains to deny" or affirm. Talk about what you mean by that.
Chad: As a former pastor myself, I’m pretty sure you’ve thought about this next question: If you could give one sermon to Christians today what would it be? (i.e. What do you think we need to hear most?)
Chad: This
question is more inspired by than directly from your book, “The Storytelling God.”
The way we see the parables is often very concrete, and the way you describe
them takes one having a creative bent. I think Jesus, and the bible in general,
gives a lot of credence to story-telling and the arts in general (parables, poems,
songs, etc.) Why do you think Christians are more known for staying away from
the arts?
Jared: I
don't know, but I think it's largely a fear of either "lying"--because telling
the truth through art is seen as less direct or less useful than straight
teaching--or of being wasteful. I think many Christians just tend to think of
the arts as a waste of time. This is why when Christians do engage in the arts,
they tend to be very didactic and bland--we propagandize. We haven't quite
figured out as a culture how to make art for God's sake that knows how to exist
as art, not as a tract or treatise or teaching tool.
Jared: I'm always grazing in multiple books. Right now these include RC Sproul's "The Holiness of God" and Dane Ortlund's "Edwards on the Christian Life." I'm also doing a lot more re-reading these days, and I am finishing up re-reads of Keller's "The Reason for God" and Ray Ortlund's "When God Comes to Church." On the fiction end, I just finished Gillian Flynn's "Gone Girl" in anticipation of the film adaptation and am beginning a re-read of Hugo's "Les Miserables."
Photo by Tom Verre used under CC
Thanks for sharing nice post. The Jesus Miracles entail peace and a different line of thought.