Crazy, Upside-down Jesus World

“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm’ (John 18:36).  I have to be reminded of this often, especially during election time. While I can be interested in the process, concerned about points of view, for or against voting for certain candidates, this isn’t my kingdom.

That sounds really un-American to say. Our faith has gotten so enmeshed with our nationalistic beliefs that we think the two are somehow connected. They’re not though. That’s counter-cultural. To say that you like your country, even love it, but that your allegiance is to another Country.

The thing is, that should make you a better citizen of this one. The reflection of your God’s love should make you a better friend, neighbor and part of your family.

But when we mix up our allegiances, thinking that God sits on some throne above our country specifically, we start worshipping war and politics, believing that protecting our earthly freedom is more important than love, that becoming wealthy is a god-given right, and hate is okay against those who are against the American values we hold dear.

That’s dangerous.
The thing is, God’s way seems dangerous to those people. Why would you give what you’ve worked hard for? Why would you love your enemies when that makes you vulnerable? Why would you dare die for those who are against everything you stand for? But that’s what it is to live the gospel; to be like Jesus.

It’s crazy. It’s upside down. It’s Life.



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